FREE initial 30 minute consultation

GL – Church Lawton

Having suffered with depression and anxiety all of my life – which led onto addiction, I have sought help from numerous specialists. I can say without hesitation that Edward is the only one whom I felt understood and was able to hold my hand and walk me through my problems. I believe that he has a God given gift to help others and if my mother needed help, then I would send her to Edward.

PT – Nantwich

From a helpless, useless drunk who lost virtually everything as a slave to alcohol I have changed into a positive, reliable and caring full-time mature student – thanks mainly to the expert, dedicated work carried out with me over two years by Edward Rowan – the most effective counsellor I have ever encountered. My relationships have healed and my children now have their Dad back. The best Dad I have ever been. I no longer drink and I’m working towards a career change to a profession I never dreamt possible.

JO Thistleberry

Having seen a number of therapists in the past Edward has been a revelation: he has been incredibly astute in understanding my needs and what approach will be most effective, and gets the balance exactly right in terms of support, compassion and loving challenge. Our work together has been hugely beneficial and I see this as a long term relationship which will  help me not only to find acceptance and contentment, but to thrive.”